Working all the time, on night and day shifts. Both physicaly and emotionally exhausted by my work at the hospital. A complicated social life between my shifts, my overtiring family and a crappy relationship. No personal home, only a box in my sister's room but a big dream in front of me. I guess that is what kept me going because, today, I can't see how else I could live that life.
Then, it took some time but I healed and found myself back in a cowboy country, northern Saskatchewan, riding horses and sorting cows. It's amazing how true the "own less, live more" saying happened to be true for me. Yes we had to share a bathroom between 10 people, corn and peas were considered veggies and high speed internet meant a 30min drive but the life was just at the right speed, slow enough to enjoy it and still with somewhat unpredictable in order to not getting bored.
Because I wanted to build something of my own by myself and that my home is in France I came back and started working on my 2 years project : have a house, a practice, (useless) animals and eventually a familly. That is what we call settling down!
Practice and family are on their way. As to the house and pets, I need to sort the first two order to see what I'm standing at. So now I'm stuck in a big lonely flat but it's still way better thant the box in sister's room.
And I suppose my life and me will be a lot different in a year too. I hope not only to grow older but up still. If not, please remember Canada and Cologne. :-)