samedi 24 août 2013

I'm not dead yet...

...just buried deep in SK working young horses again and getting ready for the mountain trip again too.
I came back on training April. She is amazing. I left her barely walking under the saddle in the round pen and now we cross road construction on a windy day without freaking out! She has really put on condition (losing fat and gaining a lot of muscle) and confidence. If I give her 2min to think about whatever the problem is, she is then really keen on going on calmly. It is so nice to have a horse that smart, that forward, that willing (to try to do what I am asking for).
Yesterday we did our first cow work. She's a little excited but does the job. Today we had a wonderfull small collected canter catching up a fugitive cow at the pasture. I am really really pleased with that mare. I hope our team stays on the same line for the cross tomorrow and the mountains next week.

Besides April I am starting a new horse : Skar. Beautifull movement, pretty confident and friendly horse who's 4 and had some ground work last year, nothing untill july and some ground work again with other helpers. I am starting right from the beginning because he's not even leading properly yet. One thing I've learned here is not to start untill you have control over the back feet of the horse. It means that your horse should cross his back legs on soft demand anywhere you are whatever happens. That is because the power from a horse comes from the back end and by crossing the legs you disengage and consequently depower the horse so that you eventually can stop her/him. For the riders what I mean is a turn on the shoulders. So that's my goal with Skar. April is on turn on hanches (moving the shoulders) and nice back up (relaxed and head down) under the saddle.

I don't ride Ray anymore, he's being ridden by everybody else now and I get quite cranky if my work isn't being pursued so I better don't even look and listen to whatever happens to him. I get that some people aren't here to train horses and that Ray is nice enough to sit on and chat with your co riders without paying much attention but still I kind of think that's a waste not to use his abilities  more. That explains why I want my own horse when I come back (and can afford it, hehe). I guess I'm not very forgiving when it comes to my work.

Otherwise, yes I can take some pitty for my non horsy friends, the life in Meadow is still very sunny and hot (not quite as hot as when I left though), planned hour by hour. A nice life once you get used to it again.
Roght now I'm enjoying some rare alone time on the deck in the sun watching horses grazing and dogs sleeping. Not too bad eh?

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